Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challenge

Day 23 “A Challenge”

Right so I’m a bit behind!  Anyway last night I was getting ready for my twice weekly 5K run.  I’m not a “natural athletic type” I wish I was, I’m more your walking, horse riding, being outdoors type…. And then your lying on the sofa with a beer and a box set type!  But, although I only sort of enjoy it… at a push,  feel better after I’ve run, so I’ve decided it’s just what I do to look after myself feel less irritable and sleep better.

(I’ve really enjoyed being part of ParkRun every Saturday morning)

Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challlenge

Day 21 “A favorite story” 

I think I’m a day behind and out of order cos this is actually day 24 of the challenge but never mind.  Jacob’s favorite story is the Gruffalo or anything Gruffalo related and actually bed time is not the best story time as he finds it all too exciting and not really a “winding down” experience at all… for any of us!  Most of his books are board books as regular ones just wouldn’t hold up to Jacob style “reading”.  He likes anything with a rhyme but given a choice he usually goes for The Gruffalo.



Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challenge

Day 22 Family

We don’t have many photos of us altogether, something I need to work on I think!  This was taken nearly 8 years ago in Spain.  It was our first “go” at taking Jacob on a plane, wheelchair and all and although it wasn’t without it’s challenges I felt like we’d really achieved something.


Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challenge

Day 20 “What I’m having for lunch”

Today Jacob and I spent the morning at the hospital for an appointment with developmental psychiatry. An ECG and blood test was recommended and as I couldn’t face coming back in a few days (parking for one reason) I decided to power through and get it done today.  (He was very brave, if somewhat confused!)  So by the time we left it was certainly lunchtime.  After a weekend of too much chocolate and my very sludgy run last night, I thought we should have something nearly healthy!  Needless to say his didn’t touch the sides!

Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challenge

Day 19 “My Journey of the Day”

This was me today, off for a few hours to help out at our local riding school.  I’ve been doing this for over 10 years.  A bit of riding, tack cleaning and yard jobs for me today.  Everyone needs a “thing”, something for them that takes them out of themselves for enough time to calm down and get a bit of perspective back.  For me it’s horses (or ponies as I’m short enough to still ride them too) As I don’t have the time for one of my own, I’m fortunate enough to have friends who let me ride and care for theirs.  Yes, I do know how very lucky I am.

Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challenge

Day 17 “My day out”

Trent Embankment is a pretty good walk for Pickle.  It’s flat and long enough for him to get going  and there’s enough going on the hold his interest (boats, bridges and a few cars) but not so many things to over stimulate him.  The only downside is the open water of the River Trent! He can’t use a scooter with out a lot of help so he has this one which is large enough for both my boys to use together.  On the down hill bits, I’ve found it’s best not to watch!


Undiagnosed Childrens Day Instagram Challenge

Day 16 “My Hero” Extra

Jacob’s lucky to have a lot of special people in his life.  These are my best mate’s kids Little G and HP.  Both have known him since he was a baby and he loves them like a brother and sister.  When he sees them he almost implodes with excitement.  Their kindness and patience has been amazing to witness as they’ve grown up together.  X

Undiagnosed Childrens’ Day Instagram Challenge

Day 15 (late!) “my Hero”

I’ve swapped things about a bit, and I’m a day late on account of the bank holiday.  Here’s Jacob and his Daddy who’s funnier and altogether more entertaining than me.  Jacob’s hero, who manages to keep him calm and step in when I can’t stay calm either!